Friday, November 2, 2007

Social Skills Training

Wow, thank you Julie Donnelly! For so many of us, we think that we are familiar with the techniques that were covered; however the specific examples that Dr. Donnelly provided were terrific. I especially like the alternative presentation formats (cereal box, train, etc) for social stories. It was refreshing to hear new and different manners of approaching proven topics. I appreciated the different types of social stories that you provided; the cloze sentence format was new to me and was a great way to combine a social story with a predictable story. The variety of approaches to teaching theory of mind were very much appreicated. Thank you!

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Training Series Starts Tomorrow

The Kansas Instructional Support Network's Annual Training Series begins tomorrow. Dr. Julie Donnelly will be providing educators across the state with information on social skill development and programming. Registration for the training was tremendous! Statewide we have over 335 registrants. We look forward to the presentation and to serving the professional development needs of Kansas educators. Please check our website:
for a short conversation with Julie Donnelly on our podcast page.